The Carnal Crusade

The Carnal Crusade

The Carnal Crusade is an Adult-Only (AO) turn-based strategy game for the PC that focuses on sexual intrigue. Reminiscent of the Total War series, the Carnal Crusade features a campaign map where agents employ their machinations and underhanded tactics to prevail, as well small-scale team battles where pain, lust, and love are the weapons of choice.

A rift has formed in the high heavens of Empyreas, arising from a conflict between the Gods. Disputing which of them holds the greatest dominion over mortals, the Empyreans have resolved to determine which divine element reigns supreme through the trials and tribulations of the Carnal Crusade.

The three warring deities are seeking powerful mortals to become their immortal champions. These Champions will employ ruthless cunning and engage in intrigue to conquer their enemies and prove their Divine Benefactor to be the most powerful force of all creation!


The Objective of the game is to be the first faction to convert 10,000 mortals into thrall. A thrall is created whenever a mortal being's will becomes wholly driven be either pain, pleasure or love.

Agonism is the doctrine of pain. Ruled with an iron fist by the brutal god _______, agonists believe that pain is the most crucial drive of mankind.

Led by the twin lover deities _______ and _______, the devoted advocates of Amorism firmly believe in the altruistic creed that love conquers all.

The cultists of Hedonism follow the teachings of _______, the Goddess of Pleasure. Hedonists practice a life of wanton behavior, reflecting the notion that sensual desire is the prime impulse of all mortal creatures.


*The animations currently in the game are placeholders and will eventually be replaced with original artwork.

Religion and Authority

While the objective of the Carnal Crusade is to convert mortals into thrall in the name of your deity, there will be many factions that oppose you. The populace of a settlement is divied up by the percent of mortals enthralled to a particular religion, and your faction only gets credit for conversions equal to you faction's authority.
In the image above, the player's faction is Colwell and the player's religion is Agonism. The population of the settlement Breckington is 252 and the percent of the populace adhering to Agonism is 34%. Colwell's authority is 47%, so the player's faction is credited with roughly 40 conversions. (252*34%*47%)

In order to win the game, the player will need to convert the population to his or her religion while simultaneously securing authority over settlements!

The player's agents will find it necessary to employ intrigue in order to achieve victory. The types of agents available will differ based on the player's choice of religion, and each agent has individual traits, items and talents that make them unique.
An agent is able to target a settlement to work in. Working a settlement grants various bonuses as well as earning gold for the player's faction. In addition, agents can target settlements with specific actions that will influence or alter some aspect of the settlement.

Agents are also able to target other agents. In the example image to the left, our agent is able to target two enemy agents. Our agent can perform two different types of actions, Tempt and Seduce, giving our agent a total of four options to choose from.

Some agent actions will target friendly agents, while others will be directed toward hostile agents.

Each action has a % chance to be successful, critically successful, failure, critical failure or a non-event. These percents are derived from a number of factors, including the agent's stats, the target's stats and each agent's Fealty.

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