What is Sex Magic League?
Sex Magic League is an Adult-Only (AO) collectible card game. The design goal was to create an erotic card game that deviates from the classic tabletop feel of more traditional card games and instead feels more like an interactive dialogue between two players.
Each turn, a player is able to play skill cards onto the action stack. The unique yield mechanic allows players to interact with one another during their opponent's turn. At the end of every turn, all skill cards on the action stack are animated in sequence. This generates a sexy animation that is the combined efforts of both players!
Card Anatomy
The objective in Sex Magic League is to make your opponent climax first! In order to achieve that goal, players must make strategic use of their character's cards, also known as simcards.
Cards with the green arrow are
continue cards. When a player plays a continue card he or she will retain the initiative and be able to continue playing.
Cards with the double green arrow are
momentum cards. Similar to continue cards, the player will retain the initiative and continue playing. However, momentum cards have the added benefit of reducing the energy cost of identical cards in the player's hand by 1. This momentum benefit lasts until the player plays a card or the turn ends.
Cards with the yellow inverted triangle are
yield cards. When a player plays a yield card, the initiative will be lost to the opponent, allowing the opponent to play cards instead.
Cards with the red stop sign are
stop cards. When a player plays a stop card, the current turn immediately ends.
Position Cards
Position cards in
Sex Magic League are the rough equivalent of suits in standard playing card games. The current position determines what skill cards can be used by either player and, consequently, have a profound impact on strategy and gameplay.
Position cards can be identified by their lack of a grey text box. While position cards don't have card text or abilities themselves, they remain essential to any deck. Decks must include a minimum of 5 position cards.
The lock icon that appears on position cards signifies
control. The duration of control is indicated by the number on the icon and is reduced by 1 anytime either player plays a skill or manually
yields. While you have control, your opponent cannot play a position card.
Skill Cards
Skill cards are the bread and butter of any deck and are the techniques that a player will use to make his or her opponent climax!
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1. Match Start
Both players begin the match with 2 preselected uniform cards and, barring traits, draw 3 additional cards. If neither player has a trait that effects the starting order, then the player taking the first turn in round one is determined randomly by a "coin toss". That player draws an additional card and may begin play.
2. Rounds
Each round consists of 2 turns...
3. Play
Positions / Stacks / Energy / etc...
4. Ending the Match
The game proceeds in this fashion until one or both players reach climax!